Homework's done, playtime starts

The sample knitting I've been working on is now complete and handed in. I can continue working on building my wardrobe for my future career as a Children's Entertainer.* The Random Generator Socks can continue without guilt. After finishing the Noro socks, I couldn't help but cast on. Now that my knitting homework is done, I can continue knitting without any guilt.

They are turning out to be way too much fun. I find myself knitting knitting knitting so that I'm closer to the next colour change. Like with the Noro, but even more exciting as I don't know what colours are going to follow.

*Children's Entertainer as future career is used for comedic purposes and is not to be mistaken as actual future career goals even if I seem to have some subconscious desire for the appropriate wardrobe.


K. said…
Those really are great socks...they'd also be really great for clowns! (but they'd have to be super long to accomodate huge clown feet...)

Hope to see you soon!
Montreal Mama said…
Those are quite the colorful socks!
Ali P said…
Love them and the whole I dea of them. When I was at Ariadne they didn't have enough cakelettes left for me to try my own ramdom motley sockses.
Feel my pain.

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