Knitting Finished in 2010
It seems like there was a lot less knitting in 2010. But I think it's more a matter of a lot less finishing of things. There are plenty of sleeping projects, awaiting projects and things in the works in various places around my living room. And there are some projects (like the tea leaves cardigan) that are basically finished but need final blocking or buttons and photographs to REALLY be declared done, but there's time for that.
1. Dress for bébé chat, 2. Bunny front, 3. Dodecahedron, 4. Bunny for me, 5. Matching rainbows, 6. Rainbow dodecahedron, 7. Ta-da!, 8. The tea is brewing quickly, 9. Finished Oyster Pie Blanket, 10. Socks for Grumpy, 11. Shawl blocking, 12. Handspun Annis