Slanty Winter Cross Stitch

I've been sewing a lot. I've actually been working on my army of dresses. And even completed a few which I've been wearing A LOT since their completion. The one thing I haven't really done it take ANY pictures of them. I'll get to it at some point. Honestly I haven't quite figured out the best place in my new apartment to take such pictures. I miss the lighting in my old place.

Here's some embroidery instead:

Finished sampler

There is a recurring theme with me. Get a sampler kit. Work on it furiously for a while. Get to a frustrating point then set it down for several months.


Then pick it up again, forcing myself to finish before a new one arrives. I suppose that it's better than leaving half finished embroideries to stack up.

Tea & T

This particular sampler got stalled when I realised that I miss counted when starting the top two lines and it got all slanty. Unfortunately the discovery was made once the top was all finished and I didn't want to risk running out of floss.

First bit

And maybe there's something about leaving mistakes, blah, blah, blah, human-made, yadda, yadda, yadda. The only issue is that they're out of line. Small error with big results. However, it still seems stupid to take it all out for a counting issu. Or maybe I'm just being lazy. Whatever. I'm keeping my slanty cross stitch and starting something new.


Pattern: Winterwoods ABCs Cross Stitch Sampler by Alica Paulson
Materials: Cashel Linen & Weeks Dye Works cotton embroidery floss
Start Date: March 30, 2012
End Date: July 8, 2012

Something more honey badger-y.

Eff eff


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