Postal Post

Just when I was trying to think of what I should write about today my subject came to me, quite literally, in the post. Another package from my Secret Pal! I was able to contain my excitement enough to take pictures while I tore it open.

My Pal knows me so well to put all the stamps on in a creative manner. I'm starting to think they're purposely posed for pictures.

Nicely staged with the note on top. Look, another two rental + mircowave popcorn coupon! I know what I'm doing this weekend...

Look at all the good stuff in there. This package is definitely brought to you by the letter S. There's S scrabble tile earrings, an S shaped post it pad (not to mention the Swedish Berries). I love fun monogrammed stuff like that! My other S jewelry is a ring made out of a keyboard key, so the earrings fit right in!

Oh and Swedish Berries! Yummers (though they are already gone). Fun felt patches that I'm going to have to find something to sew onto. Some lovely Hawaii souvenirs and some episodes of "The Sarah Jane Adventures," I'm curious to see what TV thinks a Sarah Jane should be/do. Lovely sheepie things, one of which is already at home on my fridge. And who really has enough lip balm in their life? I know I sure don't! I don't think I've had berry flavoured Blistex since I was 8 and it's exactly as I remember it, Berry-licious!

And do you see the size of that crochet hook?!?!? It's almost rude! I think I know what project my Pal plans for me to do with it. I already have some bulky yarn from her and she sent me a crocheted slouchy beret pattern, so you may see one pop up here one of these days.

Thanks Pal!


Anonymous said…
That looks like so much fun! I may have to do one of these secret pal things at some point or other.
Anonymous said…
Glad you loved everything! More fun to come!

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